The Salida Union School District Board of Trustees recognizes that students who reside in one district may choose to attend school in another district or attend another school within the same district and that such choices are made for a variety of reasons.
Salida Union School District will begin accepting transfers for the 2025-2026 School Year on February 1, 2025. Once the District receives the permit for transfer into the district that has been approved by the student's district of residence, or upon receiving a written request from the parent/guardian of a district student who wishes to enroll in another district, the Superintendent or designee shall review the request and may approve or deny the permit subject to the terms and conditions of the interdistrict attendance agreement. Please see the Board Policy and Administrative Regulation for information on reasons that a transfer may be approved or denied.
Salida Union School District will notify the parent of any student wishing to attend Salida Schools within 30 calendar days of its final decision from the date the request was received.
Inter/intra-district transfers may be denied, revoked, or rescinded due to limited district resources, overcrowding of school facilities at the relevant grade level, unsatisfactory attendance, academic or discipline records, and other considerations that are not arbitrary.
The district shall not provide transportation beyond any school attendance area. Upon request of a student's parent/guardian, the Superintendent or designee may authorize transportation for an interdistrict transfer student to and from designated bus stops within the attendance area of the school that the student attends if space is available.
Parents have the right to appeal the denial of an Inter/Intra District Transfer request to the Stanislaus County Office of Education. The appeal must be made within 30 calendar days of the date of the denial.
Contact information for obtaining the necessary documents to begin the interdistrict appeal process:
Stanislaus County Office of Education
1100 H Street
Modesto, CA 95354
Phone: (209) 238-1711
Attached below are links to the Board Policies and Administrative Regulations governing the Inter/Intra District Attendance Permit guidelines. The request forms are also available through the links below.