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Board Overview

Salida Union School District Board of Trustees

Mrs. Nanci E. Fox

Nanci Fox

Board of Trustees
Trustee Area #5
Term Expires 2026

Dr. Gary Dew

 Gary Dew
Board of Trustees
 Trustee Area #4
 Term Expires 2024

Dr. Dew also serves as the SUSD Representative to the Salida Area Public Facilities Financing Agency Board of Directors (SAPFFA).

Ms. Virginia L. Berry

Virginia Berry

 Board of Trustees
 Trustee Area #2
 Term Expires 2026

Mrs. Berry also serves as the Representative of SUSD to the County Committee on School District Organization.   

Mrs. Maria Elena Magana

 Maria Magana

 Board of Trustees
 Trustee Area #3
 Term Expires 2024

Ms. Linda Brughelli

 Linda Brughelli

  Board of Trustees
  Trustee Area #1
  Term Expires 2026

Our Values

  • We speak with kindness to build compassion.
  • We listen with respect to build understanding.
  • We act with intention to build relationships.
  • We think with clarity to build learning.

Contacting the Board:

To contact the SUSD Board of Trustees, you may email the Board Trustees individually by using their emails listed.  Letters to the board can be sent to Salida Union School District, 4801 Sisk Road, Salida, CA  95368.

Members of the public may address the Board on items not on the Agenda.  Speakers will be allowed three (3) minutes, unless the time limit is waived by a majority of the Board.  The Board will allow comments by members of the public on an agenda item during consideration of the item.  Any comments must be submitted on speaker cards that are provided at the meeting.

Any individual who requires disability-related accommodations or modifications, including auxiliary aids and services, in order to participate in the Board meeting should contact the superintendent or designee in writing.