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Salida Union School District

Building a Better World, One Student at a Time

Superintendent's Office

Dr. Dante Alvarez

Headshot of Dante Alvarez

Contact Information:

Superintendent's Welcome Message...

Welcome to the Salida Union School District website. As you browse through pages that describe and provide information about our schools, our curricular and instructional programs, student services, extracurricular activities, and other district opportunities, you will discover that we are a district committed to our mission and purpose of providing quality education opportunities for all students.

We are a district dedicated to academic excellence. The faculties are caring and compassionate individuals committed to teaching and learning. The men and women of our support staff have the knowledge and the expertise and are willing and available to serve as needed. Our district administration recognizes the value of and is committed to removing obstacles that prevent student and staff from maximizing their potential. Each of these groups is fully supported by a five-member Board of Trustees elected by our community. Their single agenda is the success of all students and staff in the Salida Union School District. Parents and the community support our Salida Union School District schools. Their commitment to fundraising, volunteer activities, involvement with schools, and continuous involvement in the lives of our students, plays a significant role in student success.

Salida Union School District believes in educating the whole child by providing an instructional program that is rigorous, experiential, meaningful, and aligned with Common Core State Standards. Additionally, the district provides differentiated instruction that meets the needs of our gifted and talented students, our special needs students, and students in need of alternative educational programs. Our district continues to provide a well-rounded music program, a dynamic physical education program, and to support our students’ social and emotional development through character education.

I invite you to become involved in District activities and to provide feedback to District staff as we continue our journey of assisting each student to reach their full potential. Your involvement and commitment to students is essential. Thank you for taking a few moments to learn more about the Salida Union School District.