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Citizens' Oversight Committee


The Salida Union School District Board of Trustees placed Measure A, a local school general obligation bond improvement measure, on the November 6th election ballot. With no increase in current tax rates, Measure A authorizes $2.5 million in locally controlled funds to improve schools throughout the District.  

Projects funded by the measure include:

  • Upgrading and improving building security and communication systems including fencing to restrict site access and increase supervision and security.
  • Replacing leaky plumbing and deteriorating roofs.
  • Repairing and upgrading electrical wiring to meet current safety codes.
  • Replacing outdated portable classrooms.


The purpose of the Citizens' Oversight Committee (COC) as stated in the legislation of Prop. 39, is limited to informing the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues and actively reviewing and reporting on the proper expenditure of taxpayers' money for school construction. The committees will make sure that bond funds have been spent in accordance with state law on projects specified on the Project List.  Additionally, the COC may engage in any of the following activities:

  • Receive and review copies of the annual, independent performance and financial audits;
  • Inspect school facilities and grounds;
  • Receive and review copies of any deferred maintenance plans or proposals developed by the district;
  • Review efforts by the district to maximize bond revenues by implementing cost-saving measures.


The Citizens' Oversight Committee members represent a diverse group of the community and were originally appointed by the Board of Education on March 12, 2018, pursuant to Proposition 39 regulations.

Citizens' Oversight Committee current membership:

  • Lana Moore, Salida Chamber of Commerce and Senior Citizen
  • Joe Rizotto, Salida Fire Chief
  • Wells Mounday, Owner of Tapped Apple Cider (Local establishment)
  • Scott Fike, Community Member
  • Luis Jimenez, Parent Institute for Quality Education
  • Kiah Applegate, Parent and Volunteer
  • Jennifer Foster, Parent and Volunteer

District staff members serve as support to the committee in an ex-officio capacity and are non-voting members

  • Twila Tosh, Superintendent
  • Shawn Posey, Assistant Superintendent
  • Jaime Towe, Chief Business Officer
  • Kalin Kent, Executive Assistant


Meetings of the COC are called, noticed, held, and conducted subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act, and are open to the public. Meetings are held at 5:00 p.m., unless stated otherwise, at the District Office or at one of the schools that have benefited from Measure A funds.
All COC activity including meeting dates, agendas, and meeting minutes is posted on the Salida Union School District website under Our District, Measure A Bond.